It is Good to Ask Questions at a New Job

by | Apr 18, 2024 | Work

If you start a new job but need help executing your tasks or understanding the instructions given, don’t worry. This is normal. Worrying about whether or not to ask questions will only make it worse. It’s better to get clarity than to make mistakes. 


Is it OK to Ask Questions at a New Job?

If you start a new job and have questions about your work, you should ask for help or clarification. Asking questions ensures you have all the information you need to fulfill your responsibilities. It also indicates that you care about successfully completing your tasks and shows attention to detail. 

It is better to ask questions about how to do your job correctly than to waste time doing it improperly. You are better off asking for clarification or support when you need it than guessing and making mistakes. 


Asking Questions Can Be a Sign of a Good Employee

As a business owner running a small architecture firm, I always appreciate it when my employees ask questions. When I have a new employee, and they don’t ask questions, that makes me nervous. I will sometimes check in on new employees and ask if they have any questions because I expect them to. Starting a new job means you need to catch up and acclimate. There are many details you will need to learn. It’s completely normal to ask questions. 

I always tell new hires at my office that asking questions is a sign of a good employee. I would never fault an employee for asking questions. I think it is to be expected that they will have questions. 


Don’t Be Scared to Ask Questions at a New Job

You do not have to be scared to ask questions at a new job. As I discussed, you are expected to have questions. If you feel bad admitting you do not know something, you should work on overcoming that. This trait will not help you. It is always better to ask questions than make mistakes. 

One thing I always tell my staff is that I was young once, too, and I had jobs before. When I started a new job, I always asked questions. That’s just normal. So please realize that all your employers once had a new joband they can probably empathize with your situation. 

I once worked at a large architecture firm, where I constantly asked the project manager questions. I started to feel bad, and one day, I apologized for bugging him so much. He said, “You can bug the hell out of me.” He wanted me to know that it was good to ask him questions so that he could explain what he needed me to do and so that I could do it properly. 


Better to Ask Questions Than Make Mistakes

If you are unsure how to do something, just tell someone and ask for an explanation. You can go to your coworkers or supervisor, but either way, if you need help, ask for help.


Don’t Worry Yourself to the Point of Being Stressed Out

I once had a new employee ask me if we could talk after work when everyone else had left the office. She told me that she was very upset and having a hard time because she felt like she wasn’t doing a good job. The first thing I did was tell her it was OK and reminded her that she was new and nobody expected her to be perfect, especially not in her first week. I also told her that she should feel comfortable asking me questions if she needs help or clarity. 

After this conversation, she felt much better and started asking me questions. Over the next few weeks, I saw her confidence and performance go up

It is OK to ask for help, talk to your coworkers or boss, and just ask for help if needed.


Ask Questions at Your New Job

If you are at a new job and have a question about how to do your job, you should ask someone. It is a normal and perfectly acceptable thing to do. Don’t be nervous, as you will not be the first one to ask for help.