Lesson from George Burns: Fail at What You Love

by | Apr 19, 2024 | Work

George Burns was an entertainer who is remembered for many good quotes, which are often funny and naughty. He also had one very good quote about choosing your life path that resonated with me.


George Burns’ Quote on Doing What You Love

“I’d rather be a failure at something I enjoy than a success at something I hate.”

― George Burns

I think this quote teaches an important lesson. People today often choose their paths in life based on money. I have met so many people in my life who hate their careers but keep them because they are well-paid. Is that the goal in life? Maybe for some people, it is, and maybe for others, it isn’t. I certainly did not choose my life’s path based on money. 


Failure at Something You Love

When I was young, I decided to be an architect, so I applied to architecture school. I went into it thinking, let me give this a shot and see. I didn’t know what to expect, but I eventually grew to really enjoy it. After I graduated, I worked for a few different firms, and eventually, the Great Recession hit. I got laid off and was out for work for the first time in my lifeAfter that, I started my own small firm and have been very happy running my own business ever since. In the years that I have been running my firm, I have had ups and downs, but it has always felt better than working for someone else.

I genuinely enjoy working for myself and being my own boss. Even when times are tough, I do not regret my decisions. I am happy to be doing what I do, and I would “rather be a failure at something I enjoy than a success at something I hate.”


Success at Something You Hate

What is the point of success if you hate what you are doing? Why would someone choose that type of life? I can’t imagine going through life hating what I do all day. I take pride in my career path and hope you do, too.

Work should sustain your life. certainly believe you should work to live, not live to work, but your work can be fulfilling. Feeling fulfillment is very important to me and many other people. 


Choosing What You Enjoy

It is not always easy to know what type of work you would enjoy or what you might hate. Some people probably never figure it out. I hope you do if you haven’t already. You will spend a great deal of time in your occupation; maybe it would make you happier if it was something you actually enjoy.